S U P P O R T  

Expressions of support CAN make a difference. Let us know how what you think/how you feel. Please send your response to support[at]wwvf.nl or use this form.

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I am writing in support of the World Wide Video Festival and the important contribution it has made to the history of the media arts. I was shocked to learn that this important cultural asset is threated because the State may withdraw its funding. This Festival provides a real cultural and educational resource both locally and internationally.

I have attended the Festival many times over the years. It has consistantly presented a high quality program that engaged a wide range of artistic issues. It was a Festival where one could learn about new directions in the media arts and see historical artwork from around the world. Tom Van Vliet has made an important contribution to the history of the media arts through his support of artists and development of programming that brought together diverse genres and styles of artmaking. The World Wide Video Festival is one of the premier programs of its kind and enjoys an international reputation for the high quality of its exhibitions. The Festival's archive and video collection is a serious and substantial resource for scholars and artists.

I urge the State to continue to support this vital cultural resource. At a time when the media arts are expanding and gaining increasing recognition as a major artform it is important that a new generation be informed of new directions in the media arts as well as learn about video art's history. This valuable service is provided by the World Wide Video Festival.


John G. Hanhardt
Senior Curator of Film and Media Arts
Guggenheim Museum
New York
To whom it concerns

I, Corinne DISERENS, director of the Musée des Beaux-Arts de Nantes, wish to support the World Wide Video Festival (WWVF) and underline its importance for the art and film world.

I collaborated on numerous occasions with the Festival for important co-productions with the States, Spain and France.

It is an unique festival in Europe, bringing visual arts and moving images together, from international creators. It attracts a large international audience to the Netherlands, and plays a major role in Europe.

We all hope that The World Wide Video Festival will continue to be financially supported and to exist - We need it !

Directrice / Musée des Beaux-Arts de Nantes
Aan: Cultuurcommissie Tweede Kamer

Geachte Commissie,

Met grote verbazing hebben we vernomen dat het World Wide Video Festival haar subsidie dreigt te verliezen. Des te meer verbaast ons dit omdat het Festival vanwege zijn hoge kwaliteit en steeds verrassende concept, door de jaren heen zijn belangrijke internationale positie heeft weten te verwerven.

We wijzen u er op dat het aanbod in Nederland aan podia, waar de avantgarde op het gebied van de nieuwe media (inclusief video-installaties) op het hoogste nationale en internationale niveau wordt gepresenteerd, enorm schraal is. Vrijwel alle instituten in ons land presenteren de nieuwe media slechts op basis van willekeur, terwijl het medium in de hedendaagse avantgarde nog steeds een enorme vlucht neemt. Op het World Wide Video Festival kan het publiek echter op basis van regelmaat en constante kwaliteit zich serieus op de hoogte houden van de nieuwste ontwikkelingen. Tijdens de WWVF komen ook belangrijke curatoren uit de hele wereld een bezoek brengen aan ons land. Ze bezoeken dan ook de galeries en de musea alhier. Het biedt ons de kans hen geïnteresseerd te laten raken in (Nederlandse) kunstenaars die in de galeries worden vertegenwoordigd, met uitnodigingen voor tentoonstellingen elders als gevolg. Er zijn in ons maar weinig gelegenheden waarin het internationale kunstpubliek zo massaal wordt aangetrokken.

Dankzij de serieuze en constante aandacht van WWVF is het publiek ook ontvankelijker geworden voor werken in het medium. Het vervult dan ook niet alleen een belangrijke informatieve rol voor het publiek in het algemeen, maar ook voor galeries en verzamelaars in het bijzonder.
Het vervult een belangrijke brugfunctie tussen galleries en musea.
Het zou een onverantwoorde, ongeloofwaardige verarming voor Nederland betekenen indien het World Wide Video Festival er niet meer zou zijn.

In afwachting van uw reactie

Is getekend

Galerie Akinci
Galerie Ellen de Bruijne
Galerie Annet Gelink
Galerie Lumen Travo
Galerie Diana Stigter

Video artists are nomads that wonder the world in search fellow companions and experimenter of the very specific nature of video. This art form has nothing to do with Cinema, Art or Television but is a unique amalgamation that embraces these three worlds. The WWVF has for years been an important meeting point for like minded artists from all around the world and its absence would put Holland off the map as a reference point for artists engaged in an activity that defines contemporary culture.

Dear WWVF,

I am Silvia, 25 years old, from Italy. As an international student in Amsterdam in 2001, studying Film and Teleision Studies at the UVA, I had the great chance of visiting the World Wide Video Festival. I found it really interesting, full of ideas, meetings, contacts, and really opened to the world-wide-view of life.

I enjoyed so many spaces used for the exhibiton, expecially Melkweg, De Appel, Veemvloer and Europarking.

During this week, I will go to Triennale in Milan, near where I live, to visit Video Village. Surely I will write an article on Exibart.com, the newspaper where I usually write around contemporary art.
I will talk of you, of WWVF: the importance of featuring productions fo many countries; the great chance of meeting the artists and living a week completely surrounded by creativity and good organisation.
This is something we all can not loose. For the health of the world wide comunity!
Good luck!

Silvia Scaravaggi
To whom it may concern,

This letter conveys my strong wish that the Ministry of Culture reconsiders its decision to stop supporting the World Wide Video Festival.

I strongly feel that The World Wide Video Festival must go on. It is not only of essential important for the video art field, but it is very important for the video artists like me who are struggling to produce better works-throughout the world. The video artist is particularly challenged to find a way to present to an audience. As a video artist, WWVF was the most important venue to show my works through last decade.

My career has started and matured in conjunction with the WWVF. My first screening at the WWVF was in 1994 just after my graduation from school. Since then, my works have been selected for 10 years in a row. Each year I sought to make a better and stronger works for the festival, as I believe that the festival itself has strengthened over the years.

The WWVF has been the strongest single impetus for my artistic growth, and so it is for other young and upcoming video artists and thus the video art scene in general. I've been asked so many times from my friends and students about how to grow as a video artist. Without hesitation, I point to the WWVF. The WWVF is an event which is open to new video artists where galleries and museums are perhaps not as encouraging.

We simply need the support and community we have in the WWVF. I can say personally that without the WWVF to support my own artistic development, I would not be at the level of achievement I feel I am at now.

Amsterdam has become synonymous with the WWVF for many people who connect Amsterdam with this cultural offering. This provides and excellent opportunity for Amsterdam. It seems to me that the main purpose of the Ministry of Culture should be to support festivals of this nature, and the fact that this festival is so important in its field for so many video artists young and old, and does so much for Amsterdam's image should provide a double impetus for the ministry to reconsider its decision.

I therefore appeal to the Ministry of Culture: let the World Wide Video Festival go on!

Sincerely, Seoungho Cho
Korean video artist based in New York
Geachte medewerkers van WWVF,

Het is spijtig en ernstig dat ons videofestival ter discussie staat. Politici zouden er notie van moeten hebben dat, door het intrekken van subsidie, dit netwerk van internationale kunstenaars vreselijk beschadigd wordt. Het WWVF is een congressituatie waar kunstenaars uit alle delen van de wereld elkaar ontmoeten, en elkaar een 'update' van inhoudelijke en technische ontwikkelingen kunnen bieden.

Met name voor het Nederlandse kunstklimaat is het heel belangrijk om enkele internationale festivals te 'hosten', voor onze nationale kunstenaars is de kennis die tijdens deze gelegenheden gedeeld wordt een onmisbare randvoorwaarde om te kunnen presteren op niveau. Juist het WWVF heeft in de afgelopen jaren zorgvuldig gebouwd aan een juiste balans tussen senior- en junior kunstenaars, tussen werk van eigen bodem en werk uit andere culturen.

Ik sta achter jullie acties, en wens het WWVF-team veel doorzettingsvermogen toe.

Suzan Oudshoorn
beeldend kunstenaar
I have been attending the World Wide Video Festival since 1989 as an artist, curator and representative of London Electronic Arts and the Lux. In each of these capacities I have found it to be an excellent event - the curation and organisation have always been of the highest calibre. The WWVF has also managed the delicate task of consistently being contemporary while developing a historical perspective on the medium. Through its celebration of video. installation and performance, it represents one of the main exhibition contexts for video artists everywhere.

Please continue to fund the WWVF.

Michael Maziere
Artist and Curator
London Gallery West
University of Westminster
WWVF should stay, it was always very good festival! Alexandra Tisma
Dear Tom van Vliet,

in a new book about media art, coming out these days "Digitale Transformationen - Medienkunst als Schnittstelle von Kunst, Wissenschaft, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft" (ISBN 3-934013-38-4) I pointed out how important festivals like yours are, because these are the only platforms, where this kind of art can be shown, also because of the technical knowledge and needs. I wrote: "We are building a new world, a media world. If there is no art in it, it is the same as no art in the analog world."

Wolf Helzle
Stuttgart, Germany
To the Art Council of Holland,

I would like to express my support for the World Wide Video Festival. I collaborated on numerous occasions with Tom Van Vliet and the WWVF Team in Spain since 1989, and I consider the WWVF an unique festival in Europe for promotion of the contemporary arts and artists and one of the first and most important festivals of the world.

I urge the Art Council of Holland to continue to support this major electronic arts event. Sincerely Yours,

Rafael Baliña
Head of Film and Video Dpt.
Diputación de Cádiz
Along with your many fans and supporters and all the artists you have worked with over these last twenty yeas, myself included, we are all shocked at this news from the Ministry of Culture.

I sincerely hope, that with all the response you have had, that the Ministry will reconsider its decision. The World Wide Video festival must go on. It is not only important for the Dutch cultural life but very important for the international video and media scene. Over the years you have made an enormous contribution in the promotion of media on an international scale and only the attendance of your last festival shows that the public not only wants to see how artists are working with new media, but it also creates a meeting point of many people who come from abroad to see the festival - I might add, come to Amsterdam and that can only be positive.

As an artist who has taken part in many of the World Wide Video Festival's I speak from the heart when I say that the World Wide Festival must go on. It is needed now more then ever as more and more young and older people develop an interest in new media. The very fact that new technology is growing at such a fast rate, opening new possibilities for the artist to experiment and explore, the Festival offers a venue to show their work and create a dialogue with the public, is a good example of how important the festival has become. This is not only good for the art scene, but as interest expands the public will grow and it is vital that the World Wide Festival continues with their activities, these activities will be needed more in the future then ever before.

I would appreciate it very much if you would forward my letter on to the Ministry of Culture and hope that with every letter of support - the Ministry will be overwhelmed with the amount of support you have had and reconsider their decision.

I realize these are difficult times and money is becoming less and less available for culture but I hope the Ministry will consider how vital culture is for the well being of a nation. The Ministry of Culture has, since the early 70's, had the vision and foresight to realize and recognize how important new media is for the enrichment of the country. With the support it has given, it has put the World Wide Video Festival on the 'map' of new ideas and visions and the nation, and the Netherlands as an example of progressive and open minded thinking, that is very unique. It was in Holland, in 1984 we had the first major video exhibition at the Stedelijk Museum, the first in Europe and American, long before other country's took new media seriously.

I hope the Ministry will reflect on there contribution and continue to support new media and hold that tradition dear, as it is so important, especially today when communication, technology, new media is such an important part of our lives and very important, the enormous influence on the young.

Tom, I wish you much success and I hope my letter, among very many others, will help you to continue with your very important work. Good Luck!

with many warm greetings,

Nan Hoover
Dear Friends at the WWVF,

I feel strongly concerned about with what´s happening to your festival. As a video artists and a director of a modest project i give all my support to the WWVF experience and hope that everything will take it´s normal way.

Abdelaziz Taleb
Video artist and director of the VIDEOKARAVAAN project.
As should be clear from the plethora of responses you've received to date, the WWVF occupies a singular position in the hearts and minds of media artists throughout the world. Although I've only attended once, I rank it as one of the highlights of my festival-going experience. The work was enthralling, the energy was inspiring, and the sense of human community was not just enlivening, but critically necessary in a world of such dispersed energies. To the cultural commissars involved I say: this is a dumb move. In assessing the quality and purpose of the festival the responses assembled here must be accorded respect. You are undercutting the fine opinion many of us have formed of the Netherlands and of Amsterdam as cultural centers and this will not redound to anyone's benefit. I don't know of any other festival that would arouse such impassioned responses.

Peter Rose
Philadelphia, USA
I am writing in support of the World Wide Video Festival. A very important event for the media-culture.
Marcello Mercado
Köln Germany
I am writing in support of the World Wide Video Festival. I have participated in the Festival several times and my experiences with the staff of the WWVF have always been simply fantastic. These are truly committed professionals who support artists in the best of ways.

I know it to be a unique showcase for media artists from around the world. The WWVF has made tremendous contributions in bringing cutting edge media art to an ever expanding audience. It ranks as one of the most important international festivals for all the arts and for this reason, must survive.

I urge the Arts Council to continue funding the WWVF. Rita Myers
New York
This is a support mail.
As you know, my participation in the world wide video festival was very substantial for my career.
As we know the World Wide Video Festival in Holland is one of the most important video events world wide. The World Wide Video Festival is famous for its unique selection of contemporary media art. Therefor it is a very significant festival for the international art community. Holland should be proud to host that incredible personal effort of Tom van Vliet.

All the best,

Gusztáv Hámos
The World Wide Video Festival was one of the first festival to present our works. Since then, It introduced us to practices, forms, and modes of being and thinking that have been extremely generative. We share all the sentiments of support expressed in the letters here and wish to add my own voice in support of this important festival of video arts. We hope that support for this festival will be on-going.

Walid Raad / The Atlas Group
New York / Beirut
Dear Tom: I feel surprised so very much that will stop of World Wide Video Festival. I think that it is a important festival and culture event in the world, a lot of artists and their work have been shown at this festival, also it gave some chance to young artists of video to show their work... I wish that would stay this festival for longer -- for more artists -- for more good work!
I wish very much!

Best regards,

wang jian wei
artist, China
De Raad voor de Cultuur heeft geadviseerd het World Wide Video Festival geen subsidie meer te verlenen. Het zou een slag zijn voor de Nederlandse cultuur als de politiek dit advies zou opvolgen. Het World Wide Video Festival is in 20 jaar uitgegroeid tot een vitale en onmisbare schakel tussen professionele videokunstenaars wereldwijd, tussen jonge kunstenaars en pionierende instituten enerzijds, en musea, galeries, verzamelaars en kunstprofessionals anderzijds.

Sinds enige tijd is er in de Nederlandse media een belangrijke discussie gaande over de aanhoudende en algemene malaise in onze musea. Wat blijft er van ons culturele erfgoed over wanneer nu ook de paar instituten verdwijnen die, zoals het World Wide Video Festival, een voedingsbodem en een referentiepunt vormen voor diezelfde musea?

Het World Wide Video Festival is meer dan een jaarlijks terugkerend evenement; het heeft een enorme expertise, een internationaal netwerk, een groot archief, en een eigen collectie. Naast het jaarlijks Festival behoort ook dit allemaal tot ons collectieve geheugen. World Wide Video Festival mag niet verdwijnen!

Marianne Brouwer
curator, kunstcriticus
To Whom It May Concern:

The World Wide Video Festival is one of the first and most important festivals of its kind; it has been playing a historical and contemporary role in the presentation and the production of Video Art and Electronic Arts and has the outmost importance in this field. I believe that not letting the festival go on will have a visible negative effect and urge you to support the festival by providing it with adequate funding to develop.

The World Wide Video Festival is truly international in scope – it had shown work of artists from all continents and made them available to the general public and to professionals. The festival is different than other cultural institutions such as museums and galleries. It can and does show new and groundbreaking work as it is being done (most often than not the work shows up later in museums and galleries). The festival has an important function in discovering new works and authors and in giving them the means and the exposure they need to show innovative work as well as giving curators the possibility to reach this work. It attracts different public in addition to the traditional art public and has a tremendous educational role.

I have been attending the festival since 1989 and my work has been shown several times in both The Hague and Amsterdam. The experience has always been extremely positive: the festival has chosen to show ambitious large-scale installations as well as films and I have had the pleasure of working with the competent, efficient and friendly staff of the festival. The work had reached a diverse enthusiastic public and many international curators, artists and educators and the festival has provided a wonderful platform for inspiring encounters. Works that I have shown in the festival have been later acquired by prestigious museums such as the MOMA and the Whitney Museum in New York.

I hope the festival will continue to benefit the public and the artists for many years!

Irit Batsry
artist, New York.
Dear Tom,
C'est avec stupeur que j'apprend la fermeture de WWVF, c'est le festival vidéo qui a donné la chance à plusieurs génerations d'artistes de se faire connaitre et ensuite d'ètre reconnu. Il faut que vive le WWVF!

We all need the WWVF to continue, it is the most famous video festival in Europe.
I send you my support, 100%.

Marie Jo Lafontaine
The WWVF is certainly one of the most outstanding International Festivals of Video Art in the World. The decision to cancel the subsidies would mean an incredible loss not only to the Dutch, but also to the entire European cultural scene.

Dr. Christian Lüffe
Goethe-Institut Netherlands
Dear Tom and the team at WWVF,

Letter in support of WWVF continued existence.

I am concerned to discover that the WWVF is under threat of closure. I wish to support in the strongest terms all efforts to maintain the World Wide Video Festival as an annual event in the Netherlands.

I have followed the festival for a number of years and have been privileged to have exhibited on the festival on two occasions. WWVF is instrumental in bringing artists from other parts of the world into focus in the Netherlands and Europe. This includes artists from South Africa like William Kentridge, Minette Vari and Tracey Rose. WWVF has shown groundbreaking work in New Media for more than 20 years and unlike other festivals has a breadth of vision that incorporates highly experimental work.

Moreover, WWVF in seeking to bring artists from other cultures and countries into their programme performs a unique role in uplifting artistic practice of those involved. A good example was the recent "Video" exhibition in South Africa at the University of Cape Town, curated by Tom van Vliet. Others are festivals fore-grounding work from, for example China, India and Lebanon. All these exhibitions are presented at the highest professional level accompanied by symposia and excellent catalogues.

I am suggesting (besides its value as outlined above) the festival is an asset to the Netherlands and Amsterdam in particular for its pluralist and global outlook, and in a sense represents the poly-cultural-ethnic ethos of the city itself. A kind of meeting place for the exchange of ideas and practice.

WWVF possesses an historical archive of video art that must be preserved. Equally so, its ability to continue with its work should be encouraged in particular by public funding.

Malcolm Payne

Professor Malcolm Payne
Michaelis School of Art
University of Cape Town
Cape Town

9 April 2004
Art Council: No more support for WWVF

15 May 2004
Reaction WWVF to the Art Council's advice

1 November 2004
6 arguments for including the WWVF in the Cultural Memorandum 2005 - 2008

Dear Tom,

I have just heard that the funding for the World Wide Video Festival is in danger of being cut off. As you know, I have been coming to the Festival since 1989. A good deal of my exposure to video on an international scale came from my trips to the Hague and then later to Amsterdam as a representative of Electronic Arts Intermix (EAI, the leading distributor of video art). In the 13 years I worked at EAI, the festival was an annual event for us. I cannot imagine the field of video art without your festival. Now that I am working as a professor of media art I have already lectured on the international festival scene and told my students that the WWVF is one of the most important venues that they should look to submit tapes to when they graduate. Equally, I know many curators who gather programming information from their visits. I wish I could say this better or louder but I pray that the festival is able to continue.

Stephen Vitiello
Professor of Kinetic Imaging, Virginia Commonwealth University
Archivist, The Kitchen, NYC
There is no other art video festival that compares to the WWVF. The clue to the event's success is in its title. The arts council should be proud to have such an event, with such a history, take place each year in Amsterdam. Instead they perform an act of beuracratic sabotage and actively set about undermining it. Perhaps they are embarrassed to be associated with a festival that has worldwide recognition and resonance. I've tried to think what other motive there could be, but I can't find one.

Tom Gidley
Dag Tom en staf,

Een persoonlijk mailtje van mij; de adviezen over WWVF is het bewijs dat het systeem van Kunstenplannen en Cultuurnota's door en door verrot is. Toevallige commissies volstrekt onduidelijk samengesteld (vrienden van secretarissen) adviseren met weinig kennis van zaken over publiek geld. Overheden verschuilen zich achter andermans meningen en degraderen zichzelf tot adviesafstempelaars. Omdat alles in een keer overhoop wordt gehaald gaat er alleen maar aandacht uit naar grote, hele grote problemen. WWVF is het slachtoffer van de grote grabbelton. De bovenburen van Mediamatic de winnaars. Maar geef de moed niet op; blijf lobbyen. Het is nog geen december.

Jan Heeren
Among all the film and video festivals around the globe, the World Wide Video Festival is unique. Through the showcase it offers contemporary artists of international scale, the WWVF has established its rightful notoriety. Today it is an indispensable reference in contemporary video creation.

Pierre Yves Clouin
Paris, France
Dear Team WWVF.

Fesivals are media to meet. People can have new point of view about creation. Video-makers can speak with others video-makers or public. NO Festival are a way to stay at home and look TV.
1 Festival is good for my ego.
2 Festival is good for my family.
3 festival is a way of life.

Laurent Vicente, Paris & Nîmes.
I was looking forward to applying my short films to this festival since besides Rotterdam IFF there is no other film festival that screens short films in Holland. This festival is unique in it's promotion of low budget films and video shorts. It is a shame for a country like Holland to have such limited resources for promotion of short and low budget films. For comparaison, there are more than six short film fesitvals in Ireland, more than three in Croatia, and not to mention how many in France.

Julija Naskova
Los Angeles, CA
we need artists
we need culture!
we need art!
we need video!
we need WWVF in 2005 !!!!!!!!!!

Franck Scurti
Paris I am a videomaker and a video artist from Cairo, Egypt. I heard alot about the WWVF and i was hoping that one day I can present my work there or at least visit it and watch all these works from all around the world and meet with the artists. To stop the festival will kill my hopes and my dreams. not only me, but all the people who are interested in seeing this festival, and it is a bad thing to kill peoples's dreams

Ahmed Hassouna
Cairo, Egypt To whom it might concern.

I was invited to World Wide Vide Festival in 2001 together with Reinert Mithassel, teaming up as the artist collective Fata Morgana, exhibiting the installation Ekkofisk at Baby World Wide Media Lounge. Ekkofisk was a hybrid of physical installation involving an aquarium, video surveillance and real-time sound synthesis. During our stay both me and Reinert were impressed by the professional and helpful assistance from the festival. The festival succeeded to be at the same time a large festival offering a rich and varied program reaching a big audience and creating an intimate and friendly atmosphere for the visiting artists. We both felt it to be a great honor to be invited to participate in the program.

I consider the Netherlands to be one of the most vibrant and exciting places in the world for new media art. The Netherlands is home to a number of internationally acclaimed media labs, e.g. Steim, Waag, V2 and de Balie, and also some of the most important international new media festivals, e.g. World Wide Video Festival, Dutch Electronic Arts Festival and Next Five Minutes.

When the Norwegian Art Council in the late nineties wanted to better facilities for new media artists in Norway, they looked to Netherlands for inspiration on how to organize it. The Netherlands has managed to encourage a diverse environment, encouraging several media labs and festivals with different profiles. From abroad I have the impression that this has caused a dialectic and dynamic process that has resulted in The Netherlands being at the forefront of current development in new media art. In Norway we have adopted this way of thinking with very good results by creating a de-centralized structure with media labs situated in different regions of the country and at the same time formally collaborating within a national network. As a former manager and artistic director of BEK, Bergen Center of Electronic Arts, and also as a member of the board of the Norwegian Production Network for Electronic Arts I've been deeply involved in this development. In this perspective, the possible discontinuation of World Wide Vide Festival will not only be a loss in itself, but also have a strong and negative influence on other organizations and festivals.

One of the main challenges of new media arts in the future will be to mature and to a larger extent integrate with the art world in general. There's a need to balance the hype of current technological development with the ability to read current trends in a larger perspective. Compared to other branches of new media art, video art has a relatively long tradition, and thus might lead the way. The retrospective exhibition during WWVF 2003 is one example of how World Wide Video Festival is contributing to this.

I kindly appeal to the Dutch Art Council to reconsider their position and ensure that the important work carried out by World Wide Vide Festival can be continued.

Yours sincerely

Trond Lossius
Research Fellow in the Arts
Bergen Academy of Fine Arts, Norway
http://www.bek.no/~lossius I wish you all the utmost support for the WWVF. Having visited two times and hopefully again I would like to congratulate you on producing such an event.

Paul Holmes
Kinsdale House, Cross Hills, North Yorkshire, UK I feel strongly that the WWVF is of great importance and is playing an important part as a unique film and digital media festival in the art world!

Sofia Dahlgren
London Unbelievable!
You have our support and our best wishes
HEURE EXQUISE !  - Lille - France
Distributor world wide video festival is one of the most comprehensive and exciting festivals of its kind world wide. to stop it would be a terrible loss, not only for amsterdam as its host city but also for the community of artists working in the field and their audiences world wide.

be aware of the values at home. support it.

Andrea Bozic
Amsterdam Ik spam nooit links, maar nu wel: zie
WWVF is a landmark in the contemporary arts and culture scene in the world. One of the most consistent and longest running events of its kind and nest for creativity and contamination of ideas that are so scarcely debated nowadays. Loosing it, is a major loss for the Netherlands and for the thinking world.

Marcello Dantas
Magnetoscopio, Brazil
It's absurd to me that the WWVF should be deemed unimportant since attending the 2003 and 2004 festivals have had such a great impact on the way I think about video art and how it should be presented. No festival does a better job of bringing together emerging and established artists from around the world and I am proud to have been recognized by such a great organization.

Brian MacDonald
Victoria, BC Canada
To Whom It May Concern,

I am a non-Dutch artist who until recently lived and worked in Amsterdam. During my time there the World Wide Video Festival held a special place on the annual arts calendar of the city. For the weeks that it was going on the world was literally brought to us in the form of innovative and interesting artwork which continued to push the boundaries of this still new media. As an artist, the festival provided me with a vital window into the work of an array of international artists. But perhaps more importantly, the festival gave me and many other artists form around the world, as well as the city of Amsterdam itsel,f a physical manifestation of our global village.

In this age where so much of the way that we communicate is via airwaves and an intangible internet highway, we very much need opportunities to come together such as the World Wide Video Festival. Meeting face to face with art work and with people of different national and cultural identities we are given the chance to humanize the other, to build connections and understanding that will allow us to move forward individually and collectively, in a way that binds us rather than pulls us father apart. To say that the World Wide Video Festival is no longer of importance is to say that the need for this sort of cultural and social exchange is worthless. On behave of artist outside and inside your country and of people everywhere who hope that there is a way towards better understanding and empathy of one another, I beseech you to reevaluate your withdrawal of subsidies. If you carry out this proposal you will be doing a great disservice to your fellow citizens, the international artistic community, and the continual struggle for global understanding and peace. We are living at critical moment were there are fewer and fewer places were we can cross borders to face one another with art in our arms instead fear, hatred, and, at worse, the weapons to act on these sentiments. Please to do not deprive us of one of these few chances to approach each other with ideas, understanding, beauty and hope.

Susan Landau
New York City

Het is symptomatisch voor deze tijd dat culturele instellingen, instituten en festivals onder vuur liggen. Of dit nou de naweeën zijn van het tijdperk Fortuyn of een oprisping van het altijd sluimerende pragmatisme in Nederland, het is een kaalslag die zijn doel uiteindelijk voorbijschiet.

Het is de vraag hoe lang een land dat beroemd is om zijn culturele diversiteit en openheid dit imago nog instant kan houden. Voor Amsterdam geldt in ieder geval dat deze zijn reputatie als stad 'het' gebeurd, langzaam aan het kwijtraken is. Als deze tendens voor Amsterdam doorzet, dan zal de stad zijn aantrekkingskracht ook op veel andere gebieden verliezen. Zo is het voor een groot buitenlands bedrijf bijvoorbeeld interessanter om een vestiging te openen in een stad met enige reputatie. Het is de vraag of ze dan voor een stad kiezen die alleen nog maar bekend staat om zijn coffeeshops en de hoerenbuurt. Met alleen zijn historische grachtengordel en het Van Gogh museum redt Amsterdam het echt niet. Amsterdam is hard bezig zijn reputatie als interessante, levendige stad te verliezen. Als klap op de vuurpijl wordt door de raad voor de Cultuur gekozen om het WWVF geheel op te heffen; nee, niet korten, opheffen. Een festival dat 20 jaar bestaat wordt van de een op de andere dag opgeheven. Je reinste kapitaalvernietiging. Het is te hopen dat Medy van der Laan beseft wat het voor implicaties heeft als ze dit advies overneemt. Het is te hopen dat het WWVF in wat voor vorm dan ook kan blijven bestaan.

Martijn Veldhoen
Dear Tom and everyone at the WWVF,

The VideoLisboa team, and particularly myself, would like to express our deepest sympathy and solidarity to the WWVF. It seems to us totally unfair the evaluation done by the Dutch Arts Council and we hope they can revise their statement.
VideoLisboa is a young festival which had it's first edition in 1999, when we started the project we carefully searched around (all over the world) trying to know what video art festivals existed, which where the most interesting, which where challenging and inspiring, which could be look upon as an example of coherent programming and professionalism in doing so. Since 1998 I've attended World Wide several times and each one to confirm that it is probably the best run video festival in the world, both in the always meaningful program as in the professionalism on the display of the artists pieces, on the welcoming of professionals and audiences, and every other angle you look at it. Well done!
We must add our recent experience of inviting the WWVF to present a program focusing on the 20 Years of WWVF at VideoLisboa. This took place in Lisbon, November 2003. The program presented featured artists of fame as upcoming talents (eg: Nam June Paik and Sebastian Diaz Morales) giving our audiences a wonderful journey across the history of video art through a well put up program based on the thousands of works screened throughout the years at the WWVF.
Such project must not die!

Long Life to the World Wide Video Festival!

Joao Chambel
VideoLisboa Director
Lisbon, Portugal
tjebbe beekman
Dance, new media, performing art, image and sound need a place to meet.
This place is WWVF in Amsterdam and WE NEED it to continue in 2005 !!!!!!

julie charrier, paris
Dit is een directe culturele kaalslag dat past in het hard verrechtsend klimaat in Nederland, dat schijnbaar niet bewust is van het feit dat het Amsterdam's reputatie als cultuurstad en broedplaats voor de kunst schade doet. Uniformiteit is wat de klok slaat en daar past het WWVF niet in. Ik hoop dat er iets gedaan wordt dit tij te keren. De politici kiezen wij uiteindelijk zelf!!

Alexandra Indaco, documentaire maker, buenos aires
korea / germany

Long Live WWVF

The threat by the Netherlands Arts Council, to the future of WWVF is tragically misguided, ignoring its widely acknowledged international reputation for artistic and technological excellence and innovation. WWVF is a mirror to the best of international video-art and associated media, providing a professional curatorial and exhibition team, an excellent venue and a platform for critical discourse and the continuing evolution of electronic media. Its demise would be a tragic loss, not only to the international art scene, but to the contemporary art-culture of the Netherlands. WWVF has established the Netherlands as a world leader in the arena of video and related art forms.

This year is my second involvement with WWVF, the first being in 1998, in collaboration with Supreme Particles from Frankfurt. Both selections have afforded me the opportunity to experience excellent exhibitions and performances in the company of international contributors, plus to participate in forums and events alongside an audience from all corners of the world. The viewing public appear to share the same stimulation and pleasure as the particpants, and this, to me, reflects the success of the event.

Phil Dadson, artist
New Zealand.
Ik ben erg verbaasd en geschokt over dit advies en begrijp niet waar de prioriteiten van de Raad voor Cultuur liggen. Het WWVF is een gerenomeerd festival voor een kunstvorm van deze tijd (en de toekomst) met een kritisch oog voor video en mediakunst uit de HELE wereld. In Nederland was het voor mij altijd 1 van de culturele hoogtepunten in het jaar, en ik zou willen dat Sydney een WWVF had (ideetje misschien...)!

Adriaan Stellingwerff
Sydney, Australia
het wwvf is het enige videofestival op de wereld dat al meer dan 20 jaar bestaat en een blijvende interesse toont voor audiovisuele kunst, gemaakt door kunstenaars van alle slag.
het wwvf is het enige videofestival op de wereld dat zijn programmatie laat leiden door de verschillende werken en door de kunstenaars zelf en niet door thema's die uitgevonden worden door hedendaagse culturele, sociale en politieke wetenschappers.
het wwvf is het enige videofestival op de wereld dat vanuit videokunst en vanuit een algemene audiovisuele geschiedenis kijkt naar de audiovisuele fenomenen van vandaag en van de toekomst. het wwvf is het enige videofestival op de wereld dat plaats geeft aan een autonome audiovisuele kunstpraktijk.

de dood van het wwvf is de dood van de vrije audiovisuele kunstenaar.

walter verdin
brussel I feel the video festival is vital, being a video and performance orientated artist myself. I have travelled and seen alot but this festival is the only one I have seen that focusses primarily on this medium, and I think it is healthy that somewhere there are people keeping this active and alive as it enables a more indepth exploration of this area. I have also just graduated in England and have already notice a very prominent increase in the use of this medium. The history of video art feels bare in comparison with more long stemmed traditional methods like painting and sculpture, with the rate of technology everything already moves so fast without the full potentials being explored properly, hence why this festival is crucial I feel as a resource and as an opportunity for all artists around the world active in this medium.

Margeret Tran
Newcastle upon Tyne, UK stop de culturele kaalslag in Amsterdam
steun het wwvf !
Dominic van den Boogerd
Amsterdam The festival is just a fantastic event for all people and artist.
antonie frank
sweden, stockholm wwvf is
wijd in video
wijd in media
wijd in technologieën
wijd in culturen
wijd in politiek
wijd in rassen
wijd in klassen
wijd in leeftijd
wijd in geslachten
wijd in genres
wijd in kunst
wijd in stromingen
wijd in filosofie
wijd in poëzie
wijd in drama
wijd in muziek
wijd in software
wijd in denkrichtingen
wijd in overtuigingen
wijd in religies
wijd in naties
wijd in sources
wijd in dragers
wijd in compressie
wijd in formaten
wijd in communicatie
wijd in perceptie
wijd in locatie
wijd in publiek
wijd in kritiek
wijd in interactie
wijd in plaatsen
wijd in werelden
wijd in tijd

deze lijst heeft niet de pretentie exhaustief te zijn

walter verdin
brussel Beste Tom,

toen ik gisteren het materiaal van mijn installatie kwam oppikken in Amsterdam en ik in de haast lege ruimtes terechtkwam van wat de dag voordien nog een broeiende festivalplaats was geweest, overviel me een beklemmend gevoel. De gedachte dat dit de laatste keer zou kunnen geweest zijn, leek me zo onrechtvaardig. Het festival leek al de cyberspace ingecatapulteerd, opgelost tussen een paar browsers. Gelukkig liepen je medewerkers er nog en die kweten zich zoals altijd vol inzet van hun taak.
World Wide Video is een festival van mensen. Dat wordt wel eens vergeten, wanneer er in vergaderzalen met een pennetrek of een muisklik doodsvonnissen worden geveld, En de mensen van World Wide Video zijn integere, enthousiaste mensen, die weten waar ze mee bezig zijn en die gedurende de jaren een expertise hebben opgebouwd, die niet mag verloren gaan. En het is een unieke plek, waar je een combinatie van werken en disciplines aantreft, die ik nog nooit in een musea ben tegengekomen, gepresenteerd op een sobere, doeltreffende wijze, zonder de poeha en het oeverloze geblaat, dat je op zoveel andere nieuwe media-manifestaties tegenkomt. Ik vrees dat je gestraft wordt voor je serieux, Tom. Die is niet gepast in een wereld, waar trends belangrijker zijn dan stromingen.
Ik hoop dat je het tij nog kan keren.

Kurt d' Haeseleer ( De Filmfabriek) - videokunstenaar
Brussel - Bierbeek - België This year I attended the World Wide Video Festival for the eighth year in a row. Having worked as a video producer, curator and film journalist in New York and San Francisco, I can tell you that WWVF is well known and respected by artists and arts professionals across America. This festival has been an important event in the international arena for a long time, and it must continue. It's obvious that the Dutch Arts Council has made a serious mistake, and I urge them to take immediate steps to correct this error. I look forward to attending WWVF again in 2005.

Charles Lofton
Amsterdam WWVF moet blijven bestaan !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
amsterdam Dear Sirs,

Through out the years, WWVF has been a place for art, knowledge, education, information and interaction among artistis and public from all over the world.

In these turbulent times of war and misunderstandings among nations, I can not understand and accept why this event may not continue to carry on its historical role in the electronic arts.

Please receive my full support and love,

Marcelo Tas - artist
TV Cultura - BRAZIL Dear Tom
Netherland is very lucky to have a Festival like your WWVF which is considered in Canada like one of the more important...or the most important festival in the world for video-art.
Canada is not so lucky !
And nevertheless your maturity ( 21 years ), you always take risks when you choice to exhibit new not-wellknow artists.
Thank you for your work since 21 years.

Marie-France Giraudon and Emmanuel Avenel
Montréal , Canada. WWVF moet blijven! absoluut een inspirerend festival. stopzetting zou een groot verlies voor amsterdam én de wereld betekenen!
Caroline Being an artist myself I do of course see the importance of a festival like WWVF ! Video as an artistic expression is a geat contribution to the artscenenes, and I do hope the festival will get the support it needs to go on !
Ragnhild Lie
Stamsund, Norway I cannot believe that the WWVFestival is threatened because it is "unimportant" !! It is simply one of the oldest and more important video and media festival in the world ! Its history is linked for ever with the history of video and media art and it's role has been proven for years and still is a major one. It is a place where you can hear and see what's happening in the art all over the world.

AS AN ARTIST, I have been there many times, met a lot of people, and especially other artists from all different countries, I have shown works and have recently coproduced a very ambitious spectacle ("Hamlet Machine"), I have seen all kind of productions including some that I would probably not have seen anywhere else, I've been angry or amazed, I have taken inspiration, fallen in love, made precious contacts, got drunk, visited the city and finally the whole country.

All this is more than "important". It is the essence of life, of culture, it is the heart of a city. AS A EUROPEAN CITIZEN, I consider the WWVFestival is a key point for european culture and it's opened links with the world. It is absolutely needed and its disapearance would cause great injury to us, the european citizens. AS THE DIRECTOR OF FEARLESS MEDI@TERRANEE, Centre International de Création et de Formation dans les Arts Electroniques, I will simply mention the importance of this festival for many artists that we have suported or still wok with, first in Paris and now, since 1997, in Marseille.

AS A TEACHER IN THE ECOLE SUPERIEURE DES BEAUX-ARTS DE MARSEILLE, one of the most important fine arts school in france for media arts, I should mention that three times at least our school has organized travels for the students to the WWVF : it has been an important step for several among them in the development of their work. Many contacts were made and the interest for Amsterdam, the image of the city has an international place, a place of importance for the arts, has been largely consolidated with this travel.

The WWVF is more than ever needed for its essential contribution to the development of the arts and the culture in Europe,

(please forgive my broken english) Dominik Barbier

Dominik Barbier, artiste, directeur de FEARLESS Centre International de création et de formation dans les arts électroniques, Enseignant à l'Ecole Supérieure des Beaux-Arts de Marseille
Marseille / France Unbelievable! The Raad van Kultuur does not know what it is doing!!! They definetely should reconsider this mistake of cutting down the funding of an organisation that has proved itself worth for 2 decades! The WWVF has to continue to exist as one of the main exhibitionspaces of video-art.

Daniella Wennberg-van Dijk, art-historian + curator IKM (International Cultural center and Museum)
Oslo yes, stop subsidizing the festival and go ahead and ban all artistic endeavors while you're at it - for if you start down this road you are sure to continue.
i think everyone can agree that it would be interesting to see a country without art and culture. what great fun that would be! and so good to keep tourist out !

oh, would you guys talk to someone about giving bush asylum over there as well? we don't want him.

hesper montgomery
nyc The WORLD WIDE VIDEO FESTIVAL is one of the best event and video art show of in Europe. Amsterdam, keep it going.
In support.
doron golan
new york Dear Arts Council authorities,

A short film I made called Sarajevo 040503 was selected at the 2004 edition of the WWVF.
I was very happy about this and I had the chance to attend the festival for some days.
I met some great people both among the festival organisers and the artists invited.
I also had the chance to view some really good video art.
I am really amazed to think that a 21 year old festival like the WWVF could stop.
The city of Amsterdam has the chance to have at its disposal a festival with a strong experience specialised in an art which will arise in the years to come.
It would be in my humble opion a sheer idiocy to stop it now.
Not only you should continue to support the festival, but you should even increse your help as to have more screening halls, more space and more possibilities.

Paul Grivas
France If all those who have the power in Holland are so very blind, that they are not able to recognise either the high quality of this event either the immense knowledge of those who make it happen, than the WWVF has to move into any other country, in order to continue, because it is a big world out there, and others are more than willing to welcome the WWVF together with those who are behind it.

guida carvalho
(writer/painter/web designer)
amsterdam The cutting edge of the worlds top culture practitioners needs the wwvf and so does the public. Its loss will effect us all.
Robert Weinek
Cape Town South Africa Who benefits by subtracting an international platform for video artists, worldwide, to communitcate and express themselves without the baggage of corporate sponsorship? Really, will Amsterdam's monetary woes improve dramatically by erasing a venue that has brought considerable innovation and beauty to our world? Having participated in many festivals, I cannot say that I have had a more vital experience then at the WWVF. My current work exists entirely on the web, and found a champion by way of WWVF. They were the first major festival to really understand the significance of web video in it's ability to communicate and share real life over the Internet. I salute you WWVF.

daniel robin
san franscico For years and years, the WWVF has been the *essential* european and international referent for all of us dedicated to time-based arts activities long before video and other media were "recognized" in the mainstream contemporary art platforms. Just take a brief look at all the catalogues published. How many contemporary art "institutions" represent such a piece of history? I have myself come to some of the "historical" WWVF's when, been quite young, the World Wide offered many of us the opportunity to show our works together with those of the big "classics". The WWVF is still today of a crucial importance: ceasing to support the WWVF is a serious institutional error that affects far beyond Netherland's borders. This decission should be absolutelly reconsidered.

Marcelo Expósito
Artists, independent critic/curator. Co-editor of the journal "Brumaria". Dear Tom and all the staff of WWVF,

In the name of our team, here at Videobrasil, I write to express our extreme sorrow to hear such news. How can the WWVF be unimportant?
It is a extreme disrespect to your work, work that have been made for such a long time.
We from Videobrasil offer our total support.
Our warm regards

Mariana Amaral and all the Videobrasil Staff
São Paulo, Brazil Every major city in Europe has festivals for video and film;
Berlin,Cannes,London etc.
Why would Amsterdam not continue to host the WWVF or has it to be exiled to virtual reality?

Madelon Hooykaas /Elsa Stansfield, visual artists, Amsterdam
www.stansfield-hooykaas.net We are in the new century. We have old problems and new problems.
It is not a happy hour for economy, but it seems to be much worse for culture.
Art is a very fragile zone. Take care!
There is so much noise out there in the art world.
The noise is growing by the day. Lot of values are not what they represent themselves for. Disguise is very sophisticated weapon!
The World Wide Video Festival has always been a place where I could find silence, attention and focus on art and reality.
This institution has somehow a silence of our time>>>
WWVF is higly valuable institution for art, visual anthropology, social sciences, cultural studies etc.


Dan Oki (artist and associated profesor in video art and new media)
Amsterdam/Split I exhibited in and visited the festival for the first time in 2003. It was a great experience and one that I had hoped to repeat in the future. I hope that the festival can be saved in some way and I'll be able to go again. There are not enough festivals like this in Europe and to lose one of the best would be terrible.

I wish the very best of luck to Tom and the crew. Don't give up!!
Steven Ball
London When this happens, when there is no more WWVF next year, something will be strange, something would had change. As usual we are gona get acoustum by the time to the idea, but the unfamiliar feeling will remain. What it is? This happens when something that was particular, and specific, and important thing of, and for a place gets amputated from one day to the other and with not a very logical explanation.
I have a personal experience with this place. It gave me the chance to show my work time ago in 97. This was the first time I could show what I was experimenting with, out of the frontiers of my land. And Since then I always found and came back to that place.
So maybe the next year or the year next to it the ussual place is dissapearing.
We dont need that. This place is essential.

Sebastian Diaz Morales
Amsterdam Zonder het World Wide Video Festival is de videokunstenaar een roepende in een telkens droger wordende kunst-woestijn in Nederland. De Raad voor Cultuur trekt er letterlijk de stekker uit!
Laat creativiteit eens de raadgever voor Medy van der Laan zijn, en blijf het WWVF tot minstens 2025 ondersteunen.
Beeldend kunstenaar, Kerkrade Nu de videokunst onlosmakelijk onderdeel is geworden van het panorama van de internationale beeldende kunst, wordt het wwvf de nek omgedraaid; doodzonde! Marja Sonneveld.
Marja Sonneveld
Amsterdam Since I'm in charge of the video field in my institution, I come to WWVF every year, even without support, because among -very few- good video festivals, the WWVF is a very rich and serious one. Where professionnals will be able to see the video works if there is no more festivals, where meet the artists and other organisators of video events, screenings and exhibitions, other video distributors from all over the world, where? In this very particular field, where information can be collected only during the festivals, through installations and screenings, we have to save them as precious tools for our work. As video-art can exist only if shown through screenings and installations that take place in festivals, we have to take care of, if not, no new video work will get realised more, we are responsable of this big "catastrophe" in the field of creation, "l'art video n'existe pas sans les festivals!"

Martine Markovits
Paris What's going on in the Amsterdam culture life in 2004? There are budget cuts for Rijksakademie, Ateliers 66 and now WWV festival ... I find that international networking and activities in such institutions play an crucial role for both Amsterdam and Netherlands, influencing international art scene. Therefore I strongly support WWV festival!
Darko Fritz
Zagreb / Amsterdam Dear State Secretary for Culture,

It's not often one goes to a festival, where the emphasis is so much on the work and the programming springs from real curiosity and passion for the medium. I think that's why artists from all over the world come to the WWVF.

As an artist/ filmmaker one goes to many festivals, that are little more than media platforms. Alternatively, there are a few festivals, such as WWVF, where you know you will learn something, discover new ways of working, have conversations and encounters, that sometimes continue across years and continents. These spaces for dialogue, change the way one works and looks at the world. I think they are as vital to the act of creation as the air we breathe.

Art lives and exists. It can't be ' relevant.' We don't know what art made today will have lasting importance. In England, I watched politicians and civil servants strangle certain lines of expression, by constanly denying the need for programming, that creates audiences open to and versed in different forms. Measuring everything by its 'relevance' and ' accessibility,' they destroyed essential institutions and instilled a climate of cultural arrogance, where there is no longer room for the slow and the difficult.

These things die subtley and with remarkable efficiency; An audience can't miss what it doesn't know exists and innovation, by its very nature, cannot be imagined, if it has not been seen....

I wish Tom and his team all the best and implore you to reconsider your decision

Laura Waddington
Paris Video kunst klinkt ouderwets en moet het afleggen tegen het waanbeeld van de technologische vernieuwingen.
Het gaat niet om de drager maar om de inhoud.
Zonde voor de diversiteit van het kunstaanbod in Nederland.

jaap de jonge
amsterdam I SUPPORT WWVF
Amsterdam Ik vrees dat sommige obscure krachten weer aan het werk zijn.
Wie heeft er belang bij dat Tom en zijn ploeg verdwijnt ???
Het world wide videofestival is een instituut, een rots in de branding, het staat garant voor respekt, behoud en onderzoek in de audio-visuele kunsten en media. Ik heb het ook over respekt voor de kunstenaar, oud of jong.
Het verdwijnen van deze culturele instelling zou een ramp zijn, voor Nederland maar ook internationaal.

André Colinet

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