A R C H I V E1 9 9 0  
  Pedro Vieira
Duelo do Deuses / (Duel of the Gods)
  Brazil 1988
Videotape, 19:55, colour, mono
In Brazil too, the phenomenon of the TV evangelist is not unknown. In a sequence of fragments (as if we were searching for the right source of information) we are confronted with various facets of the popular sales techniques in the religious market. Fishing for members, catching money - especially so that it can multiply, miraculously or not - and an inspiring ban on forbidding are just a few of the subjects dealt with. The spot with the presentation of the 'ketchup Christ' is ironic here. We imagine ourselves in a gladiatorial fight as we travel with the camera through the underground corridors of the 'Gods Light Stadium' in Sao Paulo in order to enter the arena and take up the battle against evil, devils and demons. In ecstasy, the devils are driven out of various people, addicts are released and the blind made to see. In order to prove this last point, they are invited to leave their glasses at the corners of the terrain after which the preacher tramples them to glass container quality in a triumphant dance.

Sonja van der Burg

Assistant director: Reinaldo Volpato, Editing: Pedro Vieira, Reinaldo Volpato, Fernando de Carvalho, Effects: Piche Martirani, Walter Silveira, Production: Annette Ramershoven, Coneta Video, TVDO, Taus Filme Video