A R C H I V E1 9 9 0  
  Josef Robakowski
  Canada 1989
Videotape, 17:04, colour, stereo
A scene with Sylvan Ladouceur from Marc Paradis' video 'Voyage de l'ogre' from 1981, shows a young adolescent standing in front of a busy painting and takes us into the experiences of the homosexual community of Montreal. Robakowski dedicates his video to Marc Paradis and mainly show us shots of his friend Simon Robert. In silence, he is made up, silver on the cheeks, white powder on the skin, when the image suddenly stops and a hand on the monitor strokes the fixed body, longing for contact. Memories and desires are spoken in Russian and French the secret shared, the mystery of the fascination lingers like a veil, even when the face is washed clean again and the hair waves slowly in its lank fall. Quiet and agreeable both men sleep in their intimacy, whilst a serene light descends upon their faces and bodies.

Sonja van der Burg

Camera: Januz Polons, Editing: Pierre Ouellette, Music: François Senneville, Sound editing: Richard Angers, Graphic design: Simon B. Robert, Voices: Josef Robakowski, Marc Paradis, With: Simon B. Robert, Marc Paradis, Production: Le Videographe Inc.