A R C H I V E1 9 9 0  
  Germany/France 1990
Videotape, 10:24, colour, stereo
The twelve nights from December 25 to January 6 are an exciting time. These are the nights when spirits return and ghosts appears that can only be driven away by making a lot of noise, by smoking or by signs of the cross. Portraits of people appear in shot. First still peaceful, then, steadily more intrigued by the sound of the ticking of a clock that suddenly stops and then starts again. They light up cigarettes to endure the tension and to frighten the ghosts away. The smoke spirals into the air and suddenly they begin to fall out, accusing each other, excusing themselves. "I can't remember anything about it!" In the smoke appear images of ciphers, money, roads, hands and feet, colour paths, whilst the sound of wailing sirens adds to the subtle tension. But none of those present really appears to remember anything consciously. Like the veiled smoke, the vague fragments hang there a while then dissolve in the entirety of time.

Sonja van der Burg

Idea: Rotraut Pape, Andreas Coerper, Light: Frieder Schlaich, Editing, Music: Rotraut Pape, Sound: Alf Olbrisch, With: Andreas Coerper, Regina Staegemeier, Michael Esser, Rotraut Pape, Klaus Dufke