A R C H I V E1 9 9 0  
  Jan Peacock
  Canada 1990
Videotape, 14:20, colour, stereo
It's a commercial! It's a news show! It's Whitewash!" Intrigues within the strict conventions of newscast design. What's lurking behind the stiffened fronts of the anchor men and women who are welcomed daily into our living rooms? What moves the presentation duo, turning back and forth on their chairs like the weather man and woman in the well-known little barometer house? The facts about their innermost feelings are presented convincingly and objectively (because they are in newscast form). The illusion of equality is undermined: the explanatory gesture of the weather woman merges smoothly into a cleaning action, the division of duties remains as of old. Possibly just as reassuring for the watcher of the newscast as the obligatory announcement "We'll be back", presented to the camera in many variations. The reporting is clarifying: it gives the world an organised and well scrubbed appearance - just as in a commercial

André Nientied

Camera: Dean Brousseau, Cezary Kolsut, Editing: Alan Geldart, Brian Hamilton, Ewa Rogalinska-Kolsut, Sound: Brian Ales, Theresa Leonard, Music: Brian Ales, Voices: Jan Peacock, Ewa Rogalinska-Kolsut, Collin Fun, With: James Iwasuk, Maureen Lee, Production: Artists Television Workshop