A R C H I V E1 9 9 0  
  Antonio Muntadas
Video is television?
  USA 1989
Videotape, 5:30, colour & black-and-white, stereo
In a synchronously mounting sequence we see the showing of the first TV pictures, the showing of films on TV, the showing of TV films, the development of the design of television sets and the images disappear in grids, close-ups and grids. Statements are put forward about the influence of television on society, how society sees itself, to what extent our points of view are determined by TV, how great its power is to manipulate and generalise. How greatly is a programme valued? Questions which arise within an image, fading and splitting until, visually speaking, we end up once more with grids which call to mind the coarse images shown at the first public presentation of television. Tension and questions about the medium, its capacity, scope and influence on the public. In a minimum of time, this video dynamically and suggestively shows how the medium of television emulates past and present in a dizzying labyrinth.

Sonja van der Burg

Editing: Rick Feist, Marshall Reese, Music: Glenn Branca (Symphony nr. 1), Production: Caterina Borelli, Imatco/Atanor/El Arte del Video for TVE