A R C H I V E1 9 9 0  
  Marcelo Machado, Paulo Morelli & Renato Barbieri
Do outro lado da sua casa / (On the other side of your house)
  Brazil 1988
Videotape, 19:00, colour, mono
Guided by a local social worker, a wise man in all his simplicity, we are introduced to various people whose life, work and food are on the streets. Tramps, therefore. Many used to have a job, but became unemployed, or they lost their papers and therefore could no longer get a job. Sad and moving stories on which the social worker provides clarifying commentary. But no one can help the mother who has lost her three children and spends her time singing songs. The 'queen', a young homosexual who has had himself injected with silicone, irritatedly answers the question as to who he 'himself' is: "I'm a dirty, filthy man. I can't even touch anyone. I am not myself!" The social worker puts it into perspective with: "God gave us a curious mind and power to do whatever we want within our limits. But man was not satisfied, he transcended it".

Sonja van der Burg

Camera: Rinaldo Martinucci, Music: Tom Waitts, Vangelis, With thanks to: Agilson Araujo, Production: Olhar Electronico