A R C H I V E1 9 9 0  
  George Kuchar
Fill thy crack with whiteness
  USA 1989
Videotape, 13:53, colour, stereo
And what does Christmas bring us, what is there under the tree? A robot, German sausage, instructions on how to survive an earthquake? No, nothing like that at all. With a congenial hand - and without 'sanity clause' - Santa gives us a video tape by George Kuchar. 'Fill thy crack with whiteness' is an early Christmas message. But what is 'early' when you live in California on a gigantic time-bomb and the earthquake can come at any moment? Then you better have already sent your Christmas cards and have already put the angel hair in the tree. So let us have a party. We eat sauerkraut and sausage, lots of sausage and we fill up every crack. Peace on earth and a large piece of sausage on everybody's plate. Ambiguity knows no time with Kuchar. Ring them bells!

Erik Quint