A R C H I V E1 9 9 0  
  Jean-François Guiton
Coup de vent
  Germany 1990
Videotape, 8:58, colour, mono
Miguel de Servantes Saaverda (1574-1616) wrote 'El ingenioso hidalgo don Quijote de la Mancha' as a parody of the popular knight's tale that was in vogue at that time. Jean-François Guiton only shows the scene with don Quijote and his famous fight with the windmills from this epic. Shreds of mill vanes; a hand with a stick in it, an image that invokes reminiscences of a Japanese kendo fighter. In the background we hear and recognise Rocinante, the plucky battle steed of the 'knight of the melancholy figure'. Whereas De Servantes concentrated on the burlesque of the confrontation, Guiton rather shows the essence of it, mindful of the stick-fencing fight.

Henny Kamphuizen