A R C H I V E1 9 9 0  
  Paul Garrin, Nam June Paik & Amy Greenfield
  USA 1989
Videotape, 4:51, colour, mono
In a feast of whirling images we are given information about the cloister where Frederic Chopin and George Sand wrote a prelude together. The cloister is on Mallorca and we see a man going through the door whilst music supports the swirling scenes, suddenly to change into a tiresome performance of Paik with Joseph Beuys. Beating, sneaking and singing, Beuys moves about across the stage where we can still just read 'coyote'. Then the heart-beat of the piano falls silent and the montage allows a young woman to walk across the keys. The transition into the rolling form of Amy Greenfield with her hair entwined around her head, whilst her body, always supple, falls back into the muddy ground, is particularly fine.

Sonja van der Burg

Music: Charlie Morrow, With: Joseph Beuys, Nam June Paik, Amy Greenfield, With thanks to: Betsy Connors, Hillary Harris, Ralph Scaglione, Christopher Martinez, Seibu Museum, I&S Inc.