A R C H I V E1 9 9 0  
  Pablo Dotta
  Uruguay 1989
Videotape, 37:53, colour & black-and-white, mono
In the grey rut of the daily trip through the city, in this case on a trolley bus, the street images are gradually replaced by more poetic thoughts and daydreams. Colour and light are given to the girl who always just disappears around the corner of the street; her mouth, ear, nose, neck, shoulder, breast, navel, sex "Go on, go on!". Musing, we remember that we are sitting in the trolley bus, once more to take up the ashen rut and again to replace it with our own images of paradise lost: a violent confrontation of love while kneading dough in the kitchen: "And what will he think now?" - "And what will she really think now?" - "I love him so much that it makes my throat sore". The trolley bus drives on uninterrupted, time passes. Images of palm trees, clouds and a music group pass by, despairing the singer forgets her text. Yes, if only we could travel together, I am so lonely now. All thoughts, fantasies and memories prove to be photos, turned over by an elderly couple like pages of a diary, when, for them too, the last stop has been called.

Sonja van der Burg

Script: Daniel Esperanza, Camera: Nelson Wainstein, Editing: Laura Canovra, Sound: Germán Cabillón, Music: Fernando Cabrera, Gypsy Kings, Beatles, With: MarÍa de la Paz Sapriza, Oldemar, Serrana Ibarra, Mónica Sosa a.o., Production: Producciones CEMA/Deltomate