A R C H I V E1 9 9 0  
  Abigail Child
  USA 1990
Videotape, 32:50, colour, mono
"The Swamp: America's new family entertainment!" From bookshop to theme park, or how culture threatens to sink from sight in the swamp of relentless progress. To the base sounds of a soggy psychobilly number, a family drama unfolds in which the psychotherapist Nuremberg must supply the resolution. Enthusiastic overacting and ditto fancy dress parties formed the basis of this swamp opera which approaches the narrative structure of a TV serial so that it can then splutter apart in a dizzying, discontinuous montage. As well as moralism, melodrama and masks, Swamp gives us a role for George Kuchar in his first Bogart imitation. Just like Philip Marlowe in 'The big sleep', Uncle George pops into a bookshop under false pretences, but, when he gets to the cookery section, his intentions prove to be rather more mean. "Confused? Stay tuned!"

André Nientied

Dialogues: Sarah Schulman, Camera: Abigail Child, Michael Unger, Sound: Kathleen Cameron, Production-ass.: P. Behdarvand, T. Korschil, H. Eulmessekian, N. Osterfeld, Stage sets: Elizabeth Falkner, With: C. Harryman, S. Benson, S. Bright, T. Mathews, M. Gomez