A R C H I V E1 9 9 0  
  Hanno Baethe
Stay just a moment
  Germany 1990
Videotape, 16:30, colour, mono
Quietened, sober, penetrating close-ups take us on a truly impossible voyage. For, how do you admit someone to your world of experiences, how do you express the contradiction between your inner youthful feelings and your physical old-age that the world sees? Ernest Berk is a dance teacher and bares himself to an expressive togetherness and being alone. The sensitivity of his lived out skin, the hairs and pores, the power of the physical technique that he still masters, provide a penetrating insight into the contrast and, at the same time, the similarities between the sensitive, young, female bodies, the women for whom he has a deep affection, with whom he feels good and with whom he can be free. He dances his pain, his desires and melancholy, but also his love and his tenderness, power and his inspiration. "...and when the togetherness is complete, it's as if the other is growing within you, as if the other is a part of yourself. Yes, when you are old, like me, then you can feel the difference".

Sonja van der Burg

Light: Folkert Oehme, Music & choreography: Ernest Berk, With: Ernest Berk, Production: Neuer Berliner Kunstverein