A R C H I V E1 9 9 0  
  Beth B & Ida Applebroog
  USA 1989
Videotape, 12:09, colour, mono
A number of people are introduced in close-up which leads to a direct and confrontational contact, further emphasised by the nature of the spoken texts: extremely personal outpourings about youthful experiences. Harrowing situations in the parent-child relationship, constantly interrupted by phrases from the others. Despite the fast tempo, we manage to get an impression of the traumatising behaviour of parent(s), which, although greatly differing in details, still shows many similarities. The child continues to maintain "I am not a bad person", and more than anything, it loves its father, its mother. The victim, the 'dupe', does retain the problems and some take them to the psychiatrist. In the video, the viewer feels like the listener, the psychiatrist. It is therefore not surprising when all the men and women introduced to us, turn out to be actors and that the texts come from the writings of Joel Steinberg, Josef Mengele and Sigmund Freud!

Sonja van der Burg

Text: Joel Steinberg, Sigmund Freud, Josef Mengele, With: Ida Applebroog, Jonathan Auerbach, Todd Ayoung, Rafie Azzouny, Beth B, Martina Batan, Harry Druzol, Jonas Mekas, Sebastian Mekas, Judith Solodkin, Humbold Strait, Production: B. Movies Inc.