A R C H I V E1 9 9 0  
  Licinio Azevedo
O pastor / (The shepherd)
  Mozambique 1989
Videotape, 5:26, colour, mono
Somewhere in the countryside of Mozambique, a young man tends his herd and plays his very primitive guitar. Children play round about him whilst the sun shines brightly, but mercilessly. He takes his bicycle which has been decorated with horns under the handle bars, and painted as a totem of his being. He rides into town where some local kids jeer at him. But oh! how he stares in amazement! At everything that's new, but especially at the girls with their beautifully styled hair, short skirts and lovely shapes. Then he meets a girl who he stands up for when she gets pushed away by a group she has ended up with. She smiles at him and the ice is broken. When she goes into a shop, he quickly buys her a head scarf and gives it to her as soon as she comes out. Love develops swiftly, but not without experiencing the difficulties of the prejudices that the city people here have against country folk. They run away together on his bicycle. This video was made as part of the 'Time Code II' programme 'Music Transfer'.

Sonja van der Burg

Music: José Mucavele, Production: Pedro Pimenta, Kanemo Produçao