A R C H I V E1 9 9 0  
  Carlos Porto de Andrade
As senhoritas de Avignon
  Brazil 1989
Videotape, 9:53, colour & black-and-white, mono
We look through the eye of the viewer. Through the mask and via the tailor's dummies an image comes to life (principally) of women. But then as they are portrayed by painters and directors. Paintings and film fragments tack themselves together to form a colourful entity. The sung text with which the video ends is like the opening image: 'Un paysage de mon passé', a landscape by Van Gogh with screeching crows in the air. A shot, noise, a flight through the narrow streets of Paris, bells ringing and doors being opened. The bullet passes through the figure in the painting, once again a woman. Famous women, or better: painted by artists who have become famous like Vermeer, Frans Hals, Picasso, Matisse, Ingres, Goya and the same with the actresses: film stars like Bardot, Taylor and Monroe alternate with each other. They dance, write, faint, varnish their nails and brush their hair. Interlaced with many pictures of still-lifes, flowers, beautifully laid tables and water, a lot of water, rain and sea, clouds above in which a hot air balloon drifts away.

Sonja van der Burg

Editing, sound mixing: Luiz Villaça, Gustavo Franklin, Research: Raul Loureiro, Programming: Isabelle Cox, With thanks to: Agnaldo Farias, André Moreira Gomes, Honório Lisboa Neto, Márcia Filipe, Production: Portovillaça Produçóes Ltda