A R C H I V E1 9 9 0  
  Frederieke Anders
Die Patriarchin
  Germany 1989/1990
Videotape, 84:18, colour & black-and-white, mono
Eliza Elliot's daughters gather in a garden house in Embden to remember their renowned mother, who is also known as 'Granny'. From photo albums, anecdotes are told and emotions shared. This video gives us a witnesses report of the life of this inquisitive and eager to read woman, born in England, who joined the Suffragette movement. Since she is not allowed to study any further, she travels and ends up as a governess in Africa and Antwerp. Here, she gets to know the German student Wilhelm Nübel whom she marries in 1897 in Cardiff. The marriage brings many changes to her life and thus she develops into a respectable married woman and mother of eight children. Despite her once so progressive behaviour, she finds her happiness within marriage and teaches her daughters that they are only there to serve 'The Men', because is it only in that role that they will be able to find their fulfilment. Girls are and will remain 'rubbish'. A collage full of quietened, romantic images and authentic footage.

Sonja van der Burg

Camera: Suse Reumschüssel, Friederike Anders, Sound: Ulla Köstecke, Margarethe Heitmüller, Sound editing: Matthias Behrens, With thanks to: Margarethe Reinhardt-Ries, With: Erin Anders, Anni Riedlin, Mary Förschner, Esther Schulte, Karin Anders, Erin Reinhard, Production: Anders Video for ZDF/Das Kleine Fernsehspiel