A R C H I V E1 9 8 7  
  Mariano Maturana
  Netherlands 1987
Videotape, 4:10, colour
Silently the minutes pass. The viewer is afforded full freedom to allow the thoughts to wander through the symbolic imagery. A vertical line divides the screen in two, and in the left hand screen a man is seen floating in water, from whom absolutely no perceptable activity is discernable. In the right hand area of the screen a woman reaches out slowly towards unknown terrain, carefully exploring the environment. But alas, she also ceases her poignant quest after briefly brushing against the other figure, from whom she abruptly recoils. Enveloped by the gentle water as a means of communication, they rest, awaiting new stimuli.

Sonja van der Burg

With: Josefina Baeza, Mariano Maturana