A R C H I V E1 9 8 7  
  Bob Lens
  Netherlands 1986
'Masks' is an installation consisting of five monitors and a painted ambiance, in which masks are a recurring motif. In the space where the installation is set up, there are large painted paper constructions representing masks, with light sources and monitors situated in their eye and mouth openings. The monitors display stylised representations of various kinds of masks: masks as features in a painting, masks as two dimensional objects. The colours range from earth-tints through to primaries. The masks are sowithimes so abstract in design that no human face is distinguishable, even though it is possible to make out an eye or a mouth behind the slits made in it. Its sophisticated editing and thoughtful camera-work give 'Masks' an distinctive rhythm, in synchronicity and forming a tight unity with the music by Peter Calicher, Max Mollinger and Bob Lens.

Marie-Adèle Rajandream

Camera, light, sets, production: Bob Lens, Editing: Heiner Holtappels, Music: Max Mollinger, Peter Calicher, Bob Lens