A R C H I V E1 9 8 7  
  David Larcher
  UK 1986
Videotape, 68:51, colour
While searching for connections between the micro and the macrocosm, the avant garde English cinematographer David Larcher, in his fascination for nature and her chemical processes, records evaporating traces and plays with shapes and symbols. Sowithimes viciously repetitive, in order to emphasize the endlessness of repeated images, 'EETC' is the result of a brilliant mix of images, accompanied by sound collages and spiced with philosophical statements. Originally the theme of this production was grafted onto the language issue surrounding the names of David's sister and his subsequent partner. Both are called Elisabeth, but Larcher investigates why this name may be spelled with either an S or a Z. Through reliving his memories he tries to reconstruct his feelings about it. The production time of some four years has undoubtedly contributed to the impression that 'EETC' seems to want to imply a more indefinable and intangible quality than was initially intended.

Sonja van der Burg

Camera: David Larcher, Gary Woods, N.G. Smith, Editing: David Larcher, Sound: Simon Frazer, Music: Jamie Muir, Production: Cinevide/Channel 4, With: Elizabeth Goodman, Texts: Robert Graves, Shen Fu, John Steinbeck, André Gide