A R C H I V E1 9 8 7  
  Peter Kleinert & Michael Schomers
Giftig, Atzend, Explosiv
  Germany 1986-1987
Videotape, 44:00, colour and black-and-white
This is an account by Michael Schomers, who worked for three months as a lorry-driver transporting dangerous substances and over this period made a withiculous video record of his experiences. 'Giftig, ätzend, explosiv' makes it clear that safety precautions and regulations regarding drivers' conditions of work are being flouted in a number of respects. Working weeks of ninety-eight hours are no exception. The men hardly get time to sleep, even though the work is dangerous and demands a high degree of accuracy. They frequently have to break speed limits in order to deliver loads on time. Partly because of poor training, the drivers are insufficiently familiar with dangerous substances and managements deliberately do not inform them about the composition of their loads. This piece of pure journalism makes it clear that this situation increases the risk of accidents and possible disaster. The use of a 'concealed' camera contributes to the authenticity of the report.

Marie-Adèle Rajandream

Scenario: Michael Schomers, Peter Kleinert, Camera: Dieter Oeckl, Alberto Montani, Michael Schomers, Peter Kleinert, Michael Houben, Editing: Marianne Tralau, Music: Bertold & Debschütz, Production: KAOS