A R C H I V E1 9 8 7  
  Gorilla Tapes
Lo Pay No Way
  UK 1986
Videotape, 6:50, colour and black-and-white
Ronnie McDonald the Nosferatu of the Diet Pepsi generation? UK became the 51st State of the USA. Thatcher and Reagan: puppets of the consumer society. Bela Lugosi guards the new vampirism prescribed by the fast food industry. But it is going well in UK, Thatcher preaches the new gospel, there is work for young school leavers, because they are 'intelligent', according to the Iron Lady, with a superburger and a milkshake within arm's reach. Work: frying hamburgers in shifts; the chain gang of the Fourth Empire. In the enervating scratch piece 'Lo Pay no Way' the three rappers, protest singers of the eighties, voice their complaints about the working conditions at MacDonalds and consorts of the New Order where superficiality rules, to the beat. But the fast food business is not the only vampire sucking on its children to turn them into zombies, because the wet dreams of immoral politicians are laced with American dreams of hamburger mountains and cheap, docile labour.

Erik Quint

Gorilla Tapes: Tim Morrison, Jon Dovey, Jean McClements, Gavin Hodge, Production: Vulture Video