A R C H I V E1 9 8 7  
  David Bunn
Thinking of Conception
  USA 1986
Videotape, 5:17, colour
David Bunn sees the light and throws a ball up just to see where it'll land. Following an extremely clichéed and literally illustrated line of reasoning, we find ourselves gradually coming down to earth on the Tropic of Capricorn. Sliced through by this imaginary line on the surface of the globe, Paraguay turns out to bear a striking and more than accidental likeness to a well-filled Y-front. After all, conception doesn't take place only in the brain. The tropics - including those of the human body - possess a first-rate climate for it. For the present we'll draw a veil over the question whether Bunn's ball really gets up, but if you think this is all a load of balls you obviously haven't seen the light.

Albert Wulffers