A R C H I V E1 9 8 7  
  Hella Bohm
The Shy Guys - In the Ghetto
  Germany 1985
Videotape, 2:30, colour
Eloquently annotated with the recommendation 'the cheapest video ever produced in the music-business', The Shy Guys present their version of Elvis' 'In the Ghetto'. The hip hop craze has not escaped the duo Udo Schöbel and Roland Baisch, also known as The Shy Guys. The 'human beatbox' technique, dominating and using an over-grown doll's house sets, a toy car and an imaginary line of white powder, certainly produces a very remarkable ode to The King. When their performance sticks - as a record might - The Shy Guys' mother has to intervene, after which the boys thank everyone who had anything remotely to do with this production. One of The Shy Guys simply can't stop being a human rhythm box and displays all the symptoms of the disease presently holding the music industry in its grip.

Erik Quint

Scenario: Udo Schöbel, Roland Baisch, Patrizia Moresco camera, Sound: Hella Böhm, Music: Udo Schöbel, Roland Baisch, Production: Udo Schöbel, Roland Baisch, Patrizia Moresco, Hella Böhm