A R C H I V E1 9 8 7  
  Victoria Bearden
The Sex Atom
  USA 1987
Videotape, 5:30, colour
In a collage of images and phrases Victoria Bearden presents her vision of how we deal with the opposite sex, she concentrates on the realm of seduction - the area of tension between men and women. 'The Sex Atom' is largely about how women talk about their conquests. However, the almost anonymous shots of cloudy skies and sand for example, still manage to convey the feeling of expectation and endlessness. "I asked him what he wanted, and what do you think happened?" "I don't know what happened, it must have been the will of God." The ever repeating data of supply and demand in daily life are continuing evidence of the on-going active interest in the fulfilment of our unity. In the hopeful expectation of which, the doubt remains... "Do it! Do it!"

Sonja van der Burg

Scenario, editing, light, production: Victoria Bearden, Sound, Music: Robert Thompson, Victoria Bearden, With: Leila Flanagan, Tammy Pollard, Ryk Groetchen, Mikal Kaufman