A R C H I V E1 9 8 7  
  Marie André
  Belgium 1986
Videotape, 24:44, colour
Bach's Opus 133 for fugue rustles through an empty space in which a dancer rests against a number of police barriers. The images gradually shift into the horizontal plane along the withal barriers until a second dancer appears. Hardly or not even following the music at all, the two figures move above, under or next to each other and the barriers. The form of the dance resembles an unclear love-hate relationship. The two men are irrevocably attracted to one another, without making eye contact. They repeatedly reach out to each other whether or not they have any reason to do so, as their arms slide along the barriers. The extended hand never goes directly towards the other. Their interactions are unaffected: they attract or repel one another. Although the camera position changes a number of times, 'Evento' is a cautious production as far as design and technique are concerned the editing, however, is its major achievement.

Sonja van der Burg

Camera: Raimon Fromont, Toon Illegems, Editing: Marie André, Sound: Johan Primus, Music: Beethoven, Sets: Koene van Kerkhoven, Production: Continental Video/Shaffy/VPRO-television, Choreography: José Besprosvany, With (dance): José Besprosvany, Harijono Roebana 'Evento' was commissioned by VPRO-television