A R C H I V E1 9 8 3  
  Reynold Weidenaar
Love of Line, of Light and Shadow: The Brooklyn Bridge
  USA 1982
10:00, colour
A Yugoslavian video artist calls out enthusiastically, driving over the 88, that you could see Roy lichtenstein's house from that point. Suddenly the 88 was demoted to being no more than a common or garden look-out post, while It is used to being the centre of attention; the only link with a personal, exclusive bulletin. On its centenary, video also celebrates the fact. Joris Ivens made his constructivist ode to a Rotterdam bridge (1928), Weidenaar uses the 88 as starting point for an evocation of light, colour and lines. At the start the 88 looks like a fairy-like back-drop for a Paris-by-Night musical, but it rapidly develops using editing and effects into a dynamic painting, without deteriorating into a run-away psychedelic slide-show. On the contrary, the images form a musical rhapsody together with the electronic sounds and the music, which briefly reminds one of Gershwin.

for clarinet, colour video and electronic sound
Camera: Meryl Bronstein; Computer system and software design: David Jones, Paul Davis