A R C H I V E1 9 8 3  
  Bill Viola
Reasons for Knocking at an Empty House
  USA 1983
19:00, black-and-white
Staying awake for three days does not just disrupt the guinea pig, but also the room where the heroic attempt is made. The outside world barely manages to break in. The subjective experience of the direct space is brought subtly out of balance. The light glides tangibly across the floor. The effort necessary to remain seated becomes unbearable, not just for the man. The audience too has its problems - the eyes start to sting and the body is at the end of its tether while control of rebellious jaw muscles induces cramp. The 72 hours is penetratingly, even mercilessly packed into only 19 minutes.

Production: Bill Viola together with The Television Laboratory at WNET/Thirteen