A R C H I V E1 9 8 3  
  Danielle Jaeggi
Tout Près de la Frontière
  France 1982
23:00, colour
Reviews of the work of Jaeggi tend to point to an affinity with Marguerite Duras, for whom she edited ‘La Femme du Gange' in 1973. In this case she concentrates on a female reporter who speaks directly to her camera and recorder (the audience); the literary allusions and other subtleties used by Duras in for instance 'Le Camion' are however absent. During a brief absence from her home, the heroine light-heartedly discovers her new consciousness, the result of a promising pregnancy test. A new look at herself, the landscape, the television. Being alone is not absolute, because the telephone answering machine is always there to listen. Her life maintains its cid course, put into context briefly by Walesa and Greenpeace. The 'maker' concludes this interesting simulated self-portrait with a farewell greeting from the heart.

Camera and editing: Gilbert Perlein, Sound and editing: José Alvarez, Music: Bessie Smith; With: Catherine Arditi, Production: L 'Espierre C.A.C. de Tourcoing