A R C H I V E1 9 8 3  
  Michael Hazard & Jim Mulligan / The CIE
American Grizzly: Frederick Manfred
  USA 1983
28:00, colour
A relaxed portrait of a writer of stories so true that no one believes them. A writer of Frisian origin, described as 'a force of nature'. The 70-year-old Frederick Feikema Manfred has written 26 novels and been nominated for the Nobel Prize for Literature four times. The video illustrates his great love for nature and man's place in it. This love plays a mystical and dominant role in his life and books. In Manfred's opinion Homo Sapiens, originally a primate, can invent as many theories of relativity as he wants, but if he doesn't primarily react according to his instincts and only then according to his intellect, then the chances of failure are great.

Music: Gregory Theisen, Sound: John Calder and others, Narrator: Charles Brin, Reader: Robert Bly, Production: The Center tor International Education in co-operation with: KTCA TV