A R C H I V E1 9 8 3  
  Jean-Michel Gautreau
Le Lac
  France 1983
20:00, colour
The subtitle 'Poême Vidéo en 5 Murmures' is programmatical; on an undercurrent of hypnotic music - a slow singsong ‘sur la mer et la plage’, reminiscent of laurie Anderson - a number of rhythmic 'weathered' images appear. The relation is sometimes direct and sometimes associative. Important themes include suffering from life and farewells, in which water plays a symbolic role. The melancholy theme is also clear from the titles of the 'Murmures' such as 'Estrangement' and 'The Empty House'. Beasts of prey, martial arts, reminiscences, Vietnam, shipwreck, eroticism and death; beautifully processed images of a bird of prey picking its victim from the water. Despite the beauty which occasionally masks reality, the implications are unhappy. The style of this production, created by recycling and processing, provides a significant contribution to its effect.

Music: Jean.Michel Gautreau, Dance: Aïda, Production: SCOPE (Cercle Paul Bert)