A R C H I V E1 9 8 3  
  Helen Doyle
Les Mots / Maux du Silence; Femme Création, Folies
  Canada 1982
62:00, colour and black-and-white
Feminism has left its mark on psychiatry and history. A theoretical link-up of these two areas can lead to surprising discoveries. Whether or not witches believed in their own insanity, the historical prints are revealing, as long as we look at them without prejudice. The historical perspective then suddenly becomes frightening and clear. 'Les Mots' takes the line further in concentrating on the current time. Stereotype psychiatry in which women are made harmless should be condemned just as fiercely. The dossier of suppressed creativity produces creativity. This multiform combination of fear, pain and anger may leave the viewer with the impression of a 'Dear Diary'. That is however an easy way out; ignoring the real nature of the problem, the pain and the volume of the silence.

Assistance: Nicole Giguère