A R C H I V E1 9 8 3  
  Jaco van Dormael
Les Voisins
  Belgium 1981
16:00 (30 including L'Interview), colour
At the request of the committee of inhabitants of the Brussels quarter Léopold Jaco Van Dormael, an outsider, made a portrait of the neighbourhood based on interviews with various inhabitants. The intention of the committee was to improve the relations between the inhabitants. Van Dormael chose rapid and harsh portraits to confront people with each other's ideas using as his main theme the presence of foreigners in the area. In a fragment from 'L 'Interview' by Wilbur Leguebe, added to 'Les Voisins' for the festival, we see the reactions of the people of Léopold to Van Dormael's documentary. Van Dormaels and the maker talks about his views.

Camera: Jacques Poskin, Editing: Olivier Van Malderghem, Sound: Dominique Warnier, Production: Vidéobus de Bruxelles, Comité des Habitants du Quartier Léopold