A R C H I V E1 9 8 3  
  Marie André
Come Ti Amo
  Belgium 1983
23:00, colour
There is one person at least, who does not seem to worry about the statement, which in the title happens to be expressed in Italian. That person is a child with a dummy in its mouth whose quizzical expression is significantly only briefly shown. The other people in this work seem to be well aware of it, although in my opinion it mainly applies to the way in which Marie André looks at them. Their goings-on gains an aura of value. The concentration of a girl absorbed in a comic-strip, a stylish dinner party, the activities of a girl in the kitchen and the non-consumption of a bread-roll in the train are turned into almost sacred events by the editing. The video doesn't for a moment become banal or sugary, but the absence of dramatic tension in a concrete form does mean that 'Come Ti Amo' occasionally gets bogged down in a lack of commitment and emphasis. However the emotionalism always remains identifiable.

Camera: Luc Bériot, Sound and sound mixing: Paul Delnoy, Production: Image Vidéo, Wallonie Image Production