A R C H I V E1 9 8 3  
  John Adams
Sensible Shoes
  UK 1983
11:00, colour
This work is one of a number about the congruence and lack of it in everyday life and its reproduction in the mass media. The reference to television is clear, because it also plays a major role. A woman tells a love story with a less-than happy ending. The story is general and identifiable and the television pictures projected behind and in between follow partly a parallel line. This leads to the creation of an interaction: real-life scenes appear on television while life becomes ordered by the laws of the medium. The interaction is also verbally reinforced. The title 'Sensible Shoes' is apparently based on a clue in a newspaper crossword puzzle read by the leading character. It may provide a key to understanding this production.

Camera: Ken Slater, Voice: Veronica Latham