A R C H I E F1 9 9 6  
  Carlos Nader
Trovoada (Thunderstorm)
  Brazil 1995
Videotape, 16:25, black-and-white, mono
What is time? Without rhythm there is no time. What is rhythm? A beating heart, the boundary of movement. A nocturnal thunder storm produces the most beautiful image of the combined action of rhythm and time: the rolling of the thunder and the 'slices of time' that become visible through the repeated flashes of lightning. The seconds of silence between seeing the lightning and hearing the thunder. The themes that have already been developed in ‘Site of the unseen’ (Dantas & Nader, 1994) are investigated further in ‘Trovoada’. The images form the concrete elaboration of the commentaries which include Terence McKenna, Antonio Cicero and Bill Viola. They soon make clear that our western, rational concept of time as a linear phenomenon is not adequate. Today, yesterday and the future can together form one face in rites of passage and in natural phenomena. Rhythm and time form the fundamentals of our existence which are indissolubly connected, according to ‘Trovoada’.

Lies Holtrop

Editing Sergio Mekler, Thanks to Victor Civita
