A R C H I E F1 9 9 6  
  Antal Lux
Dash (Gedankenstrich)
  Germany 1996
Videotape, 12:03, colour, stereo
Previous World Wide Video Festivals have shown videos by Antal Lux about the fall of the Wall and German reunification. ‘Dash (Gedankenstrich)’ elaborates on a number of videos with another theme, philosophy. Lux slots his found material together in his characteristic way, with rhythmic repetitions now and then, and an image built up of several layers. We hear Jean-Luc Godard, Paul Virilio, Harald Szeeman, Jean Baudrillard talking about their ideas on the origin of the universe, chance, death, language. “Das Experimentieren ersetzt das Interpretieren!” As with scenes shooting along a passing train, nothing in thought must be fixed. Thoughts from various voices race by, link together and separate again like railway tracks with points, finally to land on the moon.

Lies holtrop

Production Artvideo A. Lux, Berlin
