A R C H I E F1 9 9 6  
  Fabio Itapura de Miranda & Gisela Domschke
Désirs et peurs
  France 1996
Cd-rom, colour
You are walking along a street and someone with a video camera asks you what your deepest fear is and then you are asked what your greatest wish is. How would you reply? One obvious response would be that you are afraid of becoming ill, or dependent on other people, losing your mind and that you hope to become rich, important, happy or legalised. All very ordinary things. This CD-rom is about those very ordinary, but most important things. The interface is based on the idea that you are walking somewhere. Video samples jump haphazardly across the screen, each time showing a new face that you meet. When you click on a face, you get an answer in the appropriate video fragment. Coloured blocks also appear in the image and if you click on them, you set animations of poems and quotations from classical writers in motion. Rimbaud, Baudelaire, Rilke, Joyce, Nietzsche etc have their say about desires and fear. This contrasts the everyday context of the video fragments with the abstract world of the written word.

Willem van Weelden

Camera Proutean (video), Editing Florin (CICV Montbéliard)
