A R C H I E F1 9 9 6  
  Stefaan Decostere
Melencolia - a nonstop homage
  Belgium 1995
Videotape, 58:00, colour & black-and-white
An essay which is at the same time a very personal homage to the cinema and the history of visual arts. Using early film footage as illustration, Decostere unfolds his reflective piece in a setting that calls to mind pictures by Escher and Magritte. What exactly is nostalgia? For Decostere at least, the answer is plainly not mystification, but more a desire to return to the beginning , to the time when no decisions had been taken and the freedom to experiment was virtually infinite. Even now, the projected image is like some kind of virtual counterpart to reality - analogous to the dream in its processing of the unconscious. And history is not dead, either; it lacks only a contemporary vehicle. Art and film as an exercise in negative theology: the attempt to express the inexpressible. To show by not showing. A modern, ambitious production.

Leo Reijnen

Texts Baudrillard, Benjamin, Derrida and others, Camera Willy Cornette, Sound Ivan de Beer, George De Decker, Sound mixer Guido Godon, Editing Eric van de Sijpe, opnameleiding Johnny Delancker, Technicians Eric Vandenbossche, Lucien Genbrugge, Jan Aerts, Paint box graphics Helga Boeyen, Research Sabine Lenk, Voice Bart Stouten, Line Ooms, Decors Eric De Donder, Production Annie Declerck, BRTN
