A R C H I E F1 9 9 6  
  Dan Boord & Luis Valdovino
  USA 1996
Videotape, 28:30, colour, mono
Patagonia is one of the most desolate places on earth, where you can still truly speak of unspoiled nature and untouched landscape. It forms the southern part of Argentina starting about Bahia Blanca and ending at the Magellan Straits and the Falkland Islands. But Patagonia is also a diary report by Dan Boord and Luis Valdovino, the latter an Argentinean born and bred who has been living and working in North America (Boulder, Colorado) for quite some time. This little road movie is an episodic exploration to overcome an cultural identity crisis. The diary consists of the report of two travels: one to Patagonia and the other to the South Western United States. In both cases, the tape draws on fact, fiction, memory and history. Use is made, for example, of Darwin’s ‘Voyage of the Beagle’ to give the trip to Patagonia historical depth. At the end of the tape it becomes clear that the search for cultural identity for the makers has its direct repercussions on the one who is present in the video picture.

Willem van Weelden

Editing Tim Frank, Music Carlos Gardel, Bob Wills, Louis Armstrong, Voices Emizy Bach, Hilda Chacon, Ann Hammon, Joy Reilly, Phil Thompson, Louis Valdovino, With Marcelo Valdovino, Hector Valdovino, Luis Valdovino, el Nono, Dan Boord, Welsh Ladies
