A R C H I E F1 9 8 3  
  Peter Wronski
Reichland | It's Only a City, Darling, They Call New York
  Canada 1982 | Canada 1983
54:00, colour and black-and-white | 46:00, colour
We can shake our heads compassionately about a bunch of idiots in Canada who imitate the Ku Klux Klan. Should we ignore an American Nazi memorial to Horst Wessel and the 'Neurenburg martyrs' and Rockwell or ban them? Their leader is surely no more than a mini-demagogue. Pathetic? Their potential threat becomes clear at the end. Wronski was able to make this film by infiltrating under false pretences, but a Canadian television station did not dare broadcast the result.

Suddenly Robert de Niro is standing there in the centre of New York. In a De Palma film he could suddenly call out 'Hi Mom'. Wronski uses this tape as a sort of picture postcard, but he adds something to the tourist material. There is a large nukes festival in Central Park and so Bert the Turtle once again introduces his show 'just in case the bomb doesn't just fall on archive material'. Events such as murder or flooding have more significance here than in the gutter press.

Camera: Peter Wronski, Trevor Haws, anonymous, Music: Richard Wagner, Production: New Frontier Video, Peter Wronski & Peter Eichgrun

It's Only a City, Darling, They Call New York
Music: Kitaro, Sex Pistols, Film clips: 'Taxi Driver' by Scorsese