A R C H I E F1 9 8 3  
  Ineke van der Weele
The Vice Consul
  Netherlands 1983
6:00, colour
At the beginning, this work would appear to want to show the missing shots trom his source of inspiration -'India Song' by Marguerite Duras. At last we are able to see the wide waters of the Ganges while the beggar, in the film Anne-Marie Stretter's invisible counterpart, here appears in the form of a grubby down-and-out who, armed with a pair of binoculars, shamelessly intrudes. However the perspective then changes. A young woman sits on a veranda reading the familiar thin blue book. The text gains the upper hand and suddenly the action reveals a more realistic, acted, character. The sultry inaccessibility of Duras' film is translated into a large physical distance between the four characters; a distance which even the camera is no longer able to bridge.

With: Monique Rijven, Christiaan van Schermbeek, Jaap van Vliet, Albert Wulffers