A R C H I E F1 9 8 3  
  Waving Ondulata (Guy Marc Hinant & Frédéric Walheer)
M. le Divin
  Belgium 1982
15:00, colour
This somewhat mysterious title belongs to an impetuous visual representation of the makers' love for the composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791). In the extremely brief commentary, Waving Ondulata makes no secret of the fact that the creation of this work was very emotional: 'c'est un élan, quelque chose du coeur'. The initial impression is that the makers are obsessed as much by Mozart's character as by his music, as is clear from the use of the notorious exchange of letters with his niece Maria Anna Thekla Mozart, 'das Bäsle', which still raises questions today. These letters are characterized by their extremely vulgar nat re. In his own age he was misunderstood and the makers of this video have graced him with a god-like image; this is perfectly reflected visually by the attempt to put Mozart's silhouette into space on a kit.. He is however also represented as an innocent victim: as an 'eternal' child after the disinterment of his 'body' from the earth. (In fact nobody knows where he is buried ...)

Music: Mozarts Freimaurermusik among others, Production: RTBF Vidéographie