A R C H I E F1 9 8 3  
  Dalibor Martinis
Image Is Virus
  Yugoslavia / Netherlands 1983
20:00, colour
Does a real or true reality exist? A lift moves vertically, but not all vertical movements made by lifts. Missiles are also (often) fired vertically. A lift goes up and down, but so does a copulating couple. Furthermore, as one lift goes up, another is most probably going down. The word begets image, which spreads us like a bush fire. Our reality is that which follows the television announcers (male/female) whishing us good - evening at fixed times. Projectiles are fired in the tempo of a video game. ('Suppose there is no enemy? That would be unfortunate.') Naked girls emerge trom water because the Coke is ready and waiting. We consume images until we reach a climax ; we are the images. It is damaging the images that can really hurt us.

Quotes from: William S. Burroughs' 'Nova Express', Production: Meatball