A R C H I E F1 9 8 3  
  Michel Jaffrenou & Patrick Bousquet
  France 1982
9:00, colour
Jaffrenou and Bousquet have worked together for more than five years producing projects such as 'Les Toto-logiques', 'Les Vidéo-sculptures' and 'Vidéo-théātrie'. 'Vidéoflashs' is a presentation tape consisting of 16 'flashes': anecdotes each lasting at most 25 seconds and intended as intermezzi between two television programmes. The television set is absent from none of the visual gags, described as humoristic, even poetic winks or video paintings.

Camera: Bernard Versaut, Photography: André Mrugalski, Editing: André Colas, Sound: Jean-Pierre Laforce, Jean Mallet, With: Michel Jaffrenou, Patrick Bousquet, Agnos Burnand, Production: INA Groupe de Productions Expérimentales, Serge Com