A R C H I E F1 9 8 3  
  Catherine Ikam
Rituels 81
  France 1982
13:00, colour
An ironic visualization on the theme of power. With sophisticated editing and inventive use of the specific capabilities of the video medium, we see newsreel footage of presidential inaugurations and official speeches pulled out of context and put on display as meaningless rituals. Rituals which are just as false and unreal as the words spoken on these occasions: freedom, peace, love... Frank Sinatra sings 'Nancy with the Reagan face' to the First Lady of the United States during a gala concert. It is a fragment which the maker Catherine Ikam tackles with biting irony as she labels this sequence 'love'. On the other hand the chapter 'death' is hardly characterized by its humour. The production ends with images of Marianne, the Capitol and a missile being launched.

Special video effects: Stéphane Huter, Jean-Pierre Mollet, Sound effects: Robert Cahen, Editing: André Colas, Sound mixing: Françis Wargnier, Production: INA Groupe Recherche Image, Serge Com