A R C H I E F1 9 8 3  
  Nan Hoover
Three Pieces
  Netherlands 1983
10:00, colour, no sound
Three variations on the same proposal for use of the medium video. The initial image still appears as a landscape, but also reveals a high degree of abstraction. The image changes very slowly, so that the change is barely detectable; almost like the hands of a clock. Changes in image caused by light are recorded from a fixed camera angle. Reminiscent of the matter-of-fact nature of changes in the weather, it remains an artistic intervention in a more-or-less arbitrary situation; an intervention which is best described as 'painting with video'. The extremely slow tempo of the happening is not just essential to the internal sense of the work, but also because all the laws of 'television' (in which one expects dynamic up-tempo stories) are deconditioned for the audience.