A R C H I E F1 9 8 3  
  Alain Bourges
Prostitute, La Ultima Cena
  France 1983
21:00, colour
This video is calling for the creation of a new sub-discipline within art criticism. Bourges has made nine image-poems. They are not filmed poems; the words of a literary poem have simply been replaced by images, autonomous and yet at the same time linked by deep-rooted mutual references. Just as in written poetry, there are a variety of genres: a sonnet, impressive thanks to its balanced combination of form and content; playful nonsense rhymes; a poem reduced to its bare bones. A description can only prove inadequate, nevertheless, an example: in 'Ulysse' a striptease dancer performs, coloured a warm golden brown, to the accompaniment of night-club swing. We only see her silhouette falling slowly to the floor. In 'La Papesse Jeanne' a black and white still of a naked woman is almost crushed under the top edge of the screen while a sheet of white billows downwards.

Music: Marilyn Monroe among others, Production: SCOPE (Cercle Paul Bert)