A R C H I V E2 0 0 1  
  Azza El-Hassan
News Time
  Palestine 2001
Videotape, MiniDV, 52:00, colour, stereo
'in/tangible cartographies – new arab video' was commisioned by World Wide Video Festival 2001, and especially curated by Jayce Salloum.
At a time of war and conflict, the making of a documentary becomes the only means of entertainment. El-Hassan finds herself unable to locate a film crew since everybody is occupied in making news. So she sets out to make a love story that is blossoming between her landlord and his wife. Jets start shelling Ramallah, her subjects flee, and she diverts her attention to the activities of four young boys in her neighbourhood who regularly pass by on their way to confront Israeli soldiers at the nearby blockade. Kifah, Nidal, Shadie and Fadie, spend much of their time practicing how to throw stones. One of them says "That is so we can define ourselves, when being attacked by soldiers."

The videotape is part introspection but mostly an essay-type reflection on the boys who act out of resistance, boredom, and loyalty to friends and country. A disarming view of the confrontations murderously weighed in favour of the Israeli forces.

– Jayce Salloum

Directors of photography Azza El-Hassan and Saed Andoni, production Yamama Creative Film House

Azza El-Hassan ° 1971 Amman, Jordan
Lives and works in Ramallah, Palestine

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